Heat Pump Services in Northeast Ohio
Heat pumps are multi-taskers – they can keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It’s magic.
What is a heat pump? A device that transfers heat energy from a source of heat to a destination called a “heat sink”. Heat pump systems are designed to move thermal energy in the opposite direction of spontaneous heat transfer by absorbing heat from a cold space and releasing it to a warmer one. A heat pump uses a small amount of external power to accomplish the work of transferring energy from the heat source to the heat sink. Heat pumps are three to four times more effective at heating than simple electrical resistance heaters using the same amount of electricity.
Source: Wikipedia
So how does a heat pump work? During the cold, winter months, a heat pump can extract the heat energy present in the air outside and transfers it inside. During the warm, summer months, a heat pump will reverse directions by removing the heat from your home and expelling it outdoors.
Residential heat pumps offer a heating solution for homes with no access to natural gas.
Not sure which one is right for you? We’re here to help! Call us today (330) 753-7711 or fill out the form!
Every heat pump comes with our exclusive 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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