Plumbing & HVAC FAQs

At Blind & Sons, we are dedicated to the comfort of our customers, and we are eager to help with any heating, cooling, plumbing, or electrical issue you may encounter. Our experts are always standing by for assistance, and below you will find answers to some of the most common questions that we receive.

Need help with a home comfort issue? Call Blind & Sons today at (330) 753-7711 or contact us online. We serve Akron, Barberton, Canton, and Northeast Ohio.

Heating FAQs

How often should I change the air filter?

It is best to check the air filter in your HVAC system about once a month and change it when it becomes visibly dirty or clogged. Basic fiberglass filters will last about one to three months, while pleated or high-efficiency filters may last three to six months.

How long will my heating system last?

Most HVAC equipment like furnaces, heat pumps, and air conditioners will last 12 to 15 years with regular maintenance, and boilers will often last 15 to 20 years. When you need a professional HVAC replacement, call our team at Blind & Sons.

Air Conditioning FAQs

Why is my AC unit leaking water?

Either the condensate drain is clogged and the drip pan is overflowing, or the evaporator has frozen due to insufficient airflow, dirty coils, or improper refrigerant levels. Call our team at Blind & Sons for prompt AC repairs that can help you avoid costly water damage.

Why is my AC blowing warm air?

The evaporator coil may be dirty, the filter may be clogged, or there may be problems with the refrigerant charge. Call our professionals for an accurate air conditioner diagnosis and repairs.

Plumbing FAQs

How can I tell if I have a pipe leak?

Many pipes are located inside walls, ceilings, and floors, making it difficult to spot a leak. Watch for pooling water, wet drywall, stains on ceilings, mold growth, increased water bills, or damp soil near the foundation. At Blind & Sons, we can help you find and repair hidden leaks, no matter the size.

What causes clogged drains?

In most cases, grease, hair, toilet paper, and food particles combine to cause drain clogs, though foreign objects, tree roots, or damaged pipes can also contribute. Avoid flushing anything but waste and toilet paper, and keep hygiene products, flushable wipes, food, grease, paper towels, and foreign objects out of the drain.

Electrical FAQs

Why do my lights flicker or dim?

Lights often flicker or dim when heavy loads like air conditioners start, but if it happens often, you many need a service panel upgrade or wiring repairs. Contact our licensed electricians for help with all your electrical problems.

Where do I need GFCI outlets?

GFCI outlets are required in potentially damp locations or within six feet of a water source, such as in kitchens, bathrooms, unfinished basements, garages, or near pools.

Indoor Air Quality FAQs

What causes poor indoor air quality?

Contaminants like household dust, pet dander, pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and odor-causing particles are all present in a typical home. Our experts at Blind & Sons can recommend HVAC filters and air cleaners that can dramatically improve indoor air quality.

Does humidity affect air quality?

Yes. If it is too humid, things like mold, mildew, and dust mites will be more likely to flourish. If it is too dry, certain viruses like the flu may spread more easily.

Do you have a question that was not covered here? Call (330) 753-7711 or contact us online to speak with one of our experts at Blind & Sons.

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“The team of R.T., S.M and N.B did an amazing job. They literally worked their butts off, and their attention to detail was truly above the bar. I will...” Jim. F.
“For the very positive, service person (A.G.) was excellent: locating the exact location of the plumbing leak within an upstairs bathroom wall, cutting...” J. M.
“These folks stay true to this day. From being easy work with, their professionalism to the quality of work that is put in. Blind & Sons will remai...” Corey A.
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