Protect Your Home From Carbon Monoxide: How Old Furnaces Are Putting Your Home At Risk

Your Northeast Ohio home depends on a heater to keep you and your home cozy during the bitter winter. If you still rely on an outdated furnace, it’s time to consider a replacement.
Old furnaces are much less efficient than newer models. After years of wear and tear, they cannot operate as well as they should, deeming them unreliable. A more serious aspect is that they also risk releasing carbon monoxide into your home’s air, putting you and your loved ones in significant danger. Below, we discuss how an older furnace can put you at risk and the right symptoms to look out for.
Don’t put off ensuring the safety of your home. Schedule furnace inspections at (330) 753-7711 ASAP!
How an Older Furnace Can Put Your Home at Risk
Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that can pose a deadly risk to humans, especially because it’s impossible to detect with the naked eye. It makes it increasingly more difficult to allow your body to get the oxygen it needs.
A furnace that has surpassed its typical 10- to 15-year life span is at a greater risk of leaking carbon monoxide into your air. If your furnace cracks or rusts, carbon monoxide can escape without warning.
3 Signs of Carbon Monoxide in Your Home
While carbon monoxide itself is impossible to detect, there are many symptoms to look out for. If you notice any of the below, remove yourself from the area immediately and call for help:
Illness Symptoms Only at Home
Carbon monoxide targets your body’s functions by limiting the oxygen you receive. Frequent headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, and nausea and vomiting can indicate CO poisoning.
Increased Condensation Around Windows
The toxic gas can build up around the inside of your home. It can increase the humidity levels in your home, resulting in an overabundance of condensation around your windows.
Soot Marks Around Your Fireplace
While a small amount of soot is expected, a heavy amount around your fireplace can indicate improper combustion and the presence of carbon monoxide.
Other Causes of Carbon Monoxide
Alongside an old and inefficient furnace, there are other potential causes of carbon monoxide around your home, so it’s crucial to ensure your home is in good working order. Some areas to address include:
- Unvented kerosene & gas space heaters
- Leaking chimneys
- Back-drafting from furnaces, gas water heaters, wood stoves & fireplaces
- Gas stoves
- Generators & other gasoline-powered equipment
- Automobile exhaust from attached garages
- Tobacco smoke
Get a $29 System Check With Blind & Sons for Your Older Furnace
Blind & Sons urges homeowners to get their homes inspected routinely to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Consider us for specialized services by scheduling a $29 system check today! You will also receive a FREE CO Detector! We’ve honed our craft since 1937, and we complete each project with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We also offer a range of warranties and other guarantees, plus a maintenance value plan for your benefit!
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